How has the year panned out for you so far?
I’m starting to follow age-old advice to pay more attention to the seasons of the year. The seasons seem more appealing than the tax year! Although I have to align myself to that as well!
This is the time of year that traditionally celebrates the harvest. Some celebrate Samhain, others Hallowe’en, or the Day of the Dead. They are not the same but they seem to have similar themes. I’m using this time to reflect on what I have learned over the year; to give thanks to all experiences. That way I can build on what’s gone before.
In my year there have been big things and little things, some happy, some sad.
We’ve been in our new home in Drymen, in the Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park, for 18 months now. We love being here. It’s just the right amount of lively for me. The dogs and I are making friends and getting more used to meeting others out on our walks. We are getting calmer every time! I am understanding more about myself as I notice my moods and and their behaviour.
My father passed away in May, unexpectedly. His passing is felt as a huge loss. Words can’t really describe it. In some ways he doesn’t feel far away. I can hear him in my mind’s eye, most notably when I’m gardening: saying something like ‘it’ll take you all year if you do it that way’. He was a great advocate of weedkiller!
The wheel barrow in the picture was his, a toy from his childhood. It must be about 80 years old now. Built to last!
New beginnings
I managed to grow pumpkins from the seeds of last year’s store-bought pumpkins. They didn’t get as big as Morrison’s but I’m very proud of them! Archie seemed to like them. I think he thought they were tennis balls with stalks! I recently learnt from Dogs Naturally Magazine that pumpkin seeds are a natural solution to fight worms so I’ll have another activity to try this year.
Hounds Connect is now in our 5th year of trading. I continue to be encouraged and amazed by how our relationships with our dogs teach us valuable lessons for our own development.
A recent interview with Suzy Walker, editor of Psychologies Magazine was a big milestone for me.
What have you lost and gained this year? What lessons can you learn and what are your dogs teaching you? Happy Samhain and Hallowe’en to you all.