Intelligence of Hounds

Hounds are intelligent.  People often suggest hounds aren’t very bright, that they are difficult to train and their intelligence is less than other breeds, like Labradors or Collies.  Today Jack (hamiltonstovare), brightened up my day, by showing me how he could solve problems for me without being asked.

We were standing inches deep in water in the yard after some heavy rain.  He was watching me trying to brush leaves away from the drain to prevent us getting flooded.  My progress was slow and he started to join in, digging with his big paws.  It wasn’t long before we heard that familiar gurgling sound as he got the water flowing through the drain again. Nice one, Jack!

But he didn’t stop there – he kept clawing at the grid drain cover until he had dislodged the grid from the drainage hole.  Bit over zealous maybe.  Within a few seconds the water washed the drain cover back into the drainage hole, blocking it up again.  Jack looked at it and then gently and carefully picked the cover up in his mouth and placed it back down several feet away where it would be safely out of the way.  I only wish I’d been able to get it on video!

This is him checking out the results of his work.  Hounds ARE intelligent!  Looking forward to finding out more about his hidden strengths.  I wonder how he is with a paintbrush……!